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Antikvariska Bokhandeln

Kimmo Välkesalmi

Ken Whyld Association

Prague, Eurotel Trophy 2002-chessboard signed by world elite
Listing # 24142
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €211,00
Starting bid: €150,00
# of bids: 8
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Czech Republic
Started: 2020-11-08 18:00:20
Ended: 2020-11-14 20:00:00
Seller: Boletus27 (562)  
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High Bidder(s): Foreign_member (1544)
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Wooden chessboard signed by 31 participants of the strongest tournament ever held in the Czech Republic - Eurotel Trophy 2002 in Prague. The complete chess elite took part: Kasparov, Karpov, Anand, Kramnik, Topalov, Ivanchuk, Svidler, Grischuk, Adams, Leko, Morozevich, Shirov, Polgar J., Short, Timman, Gelfand, Radjabov, Khalifman, Bareev, Jussupow, Movsesian, Bologan, Seirawan, van Wely, Piket, Gurevich M., Sokolov I., Tkachiev, Milov, Ye Jiangchuan, Hracek, Milos.

A significant historical event took place during the event. An agreement was signed to reunify the world championships.

The chessboard is signed by 31 participants out of 32 (only Gilberto Milos is missing) including 4 World Champions (Kasparov, Karpov, Kramnik, Anand), 2 FIDE World Champions (Topalov, Khalifman), the strongest ever woman chess player (Judit Polgar) and other top players. 

Size: 48x48x2cm

Weight: 2200g

b1 - Seirawan

d1 - Kasparov

f1 - Kramnik

h1 - van Wely

a2 - Polgar J.

c2 - Grischuk

e2 - Timman

g2 - Hracek

b3 - Topalov

d3 - Milov

f3 - Ye Jiangchuan

h3 - Tkachiev

a4 - Gelfand

c4 - Adams

e4 - Short

g4 - Karpov

b5 - Movsesian

d5 - Leko

f5 - Gurevich M.

h5 - Ivanchuk

a6 - Jussupow

c6 - Morozevich

e6 - Anand

g6 - Sokolov I.

b7 - Svidler

d7 - Bologan

f7 - Bareev

h7 - Shirov

c8 - Khalifman

e8 - Radjabov

g8 - Piket

Condition - Very Good.

Seller accepts PayPal payments
Payment Details: Payment by bank transfer (preferred) or by PayPal (plus 5%) and the shipping costs. I will e-mail you to confirm the total price. You always pay just the real postage. The packing material is free!
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