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Antikvariska Bokhandeln

Kimmo Välkesalmi


1980 "PIERRE DRUMARE" par Jean Bertin
Listing # 34097
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €110,00
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Location: Spain
Started: 2022-06-26 21:00:00
Ended: 2022-06-27 22:17:00
Seller: victorneus (885)  
High Bidder(s): Foreign_member (1544)
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51 Problèmes recueillis par Jean BERTIN

Dedicated and signed by Drumare!!

VERY LIMITED EDITION!! (see description)

With a sheet of an unpublished Problem,

variation of the one on page 37


Bertin, Jean: "Pierre DRUMARE". 51 Problèmes recueillis par Jean BERTIN. Monographies échiquéennes. Problémistes de la région parisienne.

(Paris), self-published, 1980. Original softback edition. 68 pages (including Title page, and last unnumbered). 21,4 x 15,4 cm. In FrenchVery limited edition intended for a small number of friends and not sold commercially (the exact number is not known, but very few).


Good: Light wear, with some wrinkles and small tears mainly in edges of covers, especially on the outer side of the front cover. Presentation sticker of British Chess Problem Society on inside front cover. Inked corrections made by author, in pages 44, 62, 66 and 67, as indicated at the top of the inside front cover. Otherwise, inside in good to very good condition.


On page 3 Jean Bertin tells us the curious story of how he was able to publish his 1951 book about his friend Georges Legentil. And about halfway down page 3, Jean Bertin says the following:

"Aujourd'hui, en Mai 1980, les éditeurs étant toujours aussi peu soucieux de s'occuper de ce qui concerne le problème d'Echecs, je décide de faire paraître par des moyens de fortune (dactylographie et photocopie), à tirage très limité destiné à un petit nombre d'amis et non vendus dans le commerce, quelques travaux auxquels je me suis livré depuis que j'ai cessé toute activité professionnelle."

"Today, in May 1980, publishers being always so unconcerned to take care of what concerns the chess problem, I decide to publish by makeshift means (typing and photocopying), in a very limited edition intended for a small number of friends and not sold commercially, some works to which I gave myself since I ceased any professional activity." Translated by


Also in the 1st paragraph on page 4, Jean Bertin says the following:

"Etant donné que cette brochure n'est destinée, comme je l'ai écrit plus haut, qu'à un nombre restreint de parents et d'amis, ......"

"Since this booklet is intended, as I wrote above, only for a limited number of relatives and friends, ......" Translated by


Collection of 51 chess problems by the French composer, Pierre Drumare, with commentary.


An interesting Wikipedia link on Drumare, curiously in German, is the following:


As can be seen in the first safeguard, the book was a gift from Pierre Drumare to Norman Alasdair Macleod (à Mr. Macleod avec mes amitiés. P. Drumare), who was a Scottish chess player and chess composer, and he gained title Grandmaster of the FIDE for Chess Composition in 1993, posthumously, as he died in 1991. The book was subsequently donated by his widow Daphne (her maiden name is Maines) to the British Chess Problem Society.

Here is an excellent link on Macleod:

Another link of interest is that of Wikipedia in German (curiously, the English one is almost non-existent):


Finally, it is worth mentioning that the book has its artistic value. In the 3rd paragraph on page 4, Jean Bertin says the following:

"Je remercie également ma cousine Louise Cottard-Fossey, artiste-peintre, pour les charmants dessins qui illustrent la couverture et la dernière page de ce recueil."

"I also thank my cousin Louise Cottard-Fossey, artist-painter, for the charming drawings which illustrate the cover and the last page of this collection." Translated by Google Translator.


About the artist: Louise-Jeanne Cottard-Fossey, (1902-1983), born in Le Havre, France, studied at the University of Fine Arts in that city and later at the École des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. Cottard-Fossey was also a student of the well-known French artist Othon Friesz, a lifelong friend of Raoul Dufy and several french fauvists. She is best known for her nude portraits, landscapes and still lifes. Cottard-Fossey's paintings are now in the Musée d'Art Moderne in Paris and its equivalent in Le Havre.


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Item weight 115g








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