Preserving the past and the future
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Store Name # of Listings
Kimmo Välkesalmi's Store - Helsinki, Finland 136 items
Antiquarian and New Chess Literature for Sale to Fixed Prices
Skjoldager - Duplicates for trade and sale 118 items
Duplicates for trade and sale for collector friends
VICTORIANO GALLEGO Chess Book Auction 28 items
Sale of my Chess Library
Karel Mokry Chess Bookshop 14 items
new and used chess books and chess related items
Calle Erlandsson's store 8 items
Collector selling antiquarian books and periodicals to fixed prices. Also exchanging.
Wukits - Duplicates for trade and sale 5 items
Collector duplicates for trade and sale.
ChessIto Store -Spain 4 items
Books in spanish and others rare items
LSAK Chess Book Auction 1 items
We sell antiquarian Chess books for the benefit of Lunds Chess Academy

Ken Whyld Association

Antikvariska Bokhandeln

Kimmo Välkesalmi

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